We are the European Association of Internal Communication.
We were established in 1955 as a not-for-profit association as a community of national communications associations who champion and share best practice in internal communication.
Our purpose:
We connect Europe’s internal communicators, driving recognition of the value and impact that our profession makes on great organisational performance.
We do that by:
- Connecting: a European voice and perspective for the IC profession and the people who make a difference within it
- Collaboration: bringing together best practice, knowledge and experience to support our member associations
- Championing: recognising and promoting IC excellence, standards and best practice to better support millions of employees across Europe.
Our FEIEA members
We currently comprise eight national membership associations: Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, UK

FEIEA Executive:

Suzanne Peck
(IoIC) – United Kingdom

Vice president:
Massimo Greggia
(ASCAI) – Italy

Vice president:
Peter Op de Beeck
(vonk) – Belgium

Secretary General:
Mateja Edelbaher
(PRSS) – Slovenia
Council members:

Daniel Ambühl
(SVIK) – Switzerland

Marlen Horber
(SVIK) – Switzerland

Maurizio Incletolli
(ASCAI) – Italy

Martin Onofrej
(aico) – Slovakia

Paula Portugal Mendes
(APCE) – Portugal

Jennifer Sproul
(IoIC) – United Kingdom

Erwin Van Overloop
(vonk) – Belgium

Henrik Vinther
(FIKOM) – Denmark

Karidia Zagrajsek
(PRSS) – Slovenia